School Advisory Council
Advisory Council
Charlotte Clubb, Principal, ex-officio
Tiffany Ford- Parent Representative
Sydney Fox, Teacher Representative
Lisa Head- Parent Representative
Paul Raybun, Community Representative
John Sutton, Community Representative
Steve Shultz, Community Representative
Melinda Simmons, Parent Representative
April Warren- PTO Representative
Meeting Dates: All Meetings will take place at 8:00am. *Time is subject to change
10/15/24 at 5:30pm- Nesbitt Academy (BCS District Meeting)
5/6/25 at 11:30am -Enka High School (Enka District Meeting, Date TBD)
Each school in Buncombe County has an Advisory Council mandated by the School board. The purpose of the Advisory Council is to act as a liaison between the school and the community. The elementary school Advisory Council is made up of the PTA President (if co-presidents are elected, both members serve on the Advisory Council, but each will have one-half vote), one teacher elected by the school’s teachers, and at least three lay people appointed by the Board of Education, with the school principal serving as an ex-officio member. If you have questions or concerns, please send a letter or e-mail to any member of the council. These issues will be discussed at the regularly scheduled meetings.
Board Policy regarding Advisory Councils